• Specimen of about fifteen years of ACER platanoides 'Princeton Gold' with its bright yellow foliage
  • Flamboyant autumn colors of ACER platanoides 'Princeton Gold'
  • Yellow flowers of ACER platanoides 'Princeton Gold'
  • View of an ACER platanoides 'Princeton Gold' in full flower

ACER platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’ (R)


This Norway maple has distinctly yellow foliage from spring to summer. The leaves of ACER platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’ (R) do not burn in the sun. It flowers yellow in spring and takes on flamboyant colors in fall.


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ACER platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’ (R) is one of the exceptional Norway maples. Its yellow flowers appear on bare wood. Then the leaves of a bright yellow color develop. Thus, this tree brings a real point of light into the garden and is transformed into a real spectacle. Unlike many other plants with yellow leaves, those of this flat maple resist perfectly in full sun.
In summer, the foliage remains light green. Then, in autumn, a new, very colorful show begins again. Indeed, the bright autumn colors vary from yellow to red to orange (see photos).

How to plant and grow ACER platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’?

  1. Find an isolated location or a place in a bedding, but with exposure to full sun.
  2. The soil should be light, normal or heavy and moderately moist or dry with an acidic or neutral pH.
  3. You can prune this tree in February or March before new growth begins.

For a good preparation of the pot or ground, we have designed specific instructions available here. Furthermore, discover here how to water your garden and save water.

History and Origin

A. platanoides ‘Princeton Gold’ was selected in 1964 and introduced by the Princeton nursery in New Jersey (United States). You can also find the spelling ‘Princeton Golden’. This cultivar is protected by a plant patent in the United States.

The wood of the Norway maple is hard and is used for making furniture.

The type species ACER platanoides became popular as a street tree in the 1950s to 1960s. Indeed, it easily tolerates poor and compact soils as well as urban pollution.

Despite its fairly rapid growth, A. platanoides is also used in Europe for medium or large Bonsai trees.

Additional information

Approximate height after 10 years

Couleur automnale du feuillage


Color of flowers

Color of leaves

humidity requirement


sun requirements

In spring interesting for

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In summer interesting for


In autumn interesting for


In winter interesting for

Kind of foliage

Accepted kind of soil

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Flowering period

Pruning period


Acceptable pH


Cold resistance

