
We have made a special choice of bamboos for you in terms of variety, hardiness and growth behavior. In our collection, you will find black, green, yellow and variegated bamboos (yellow and green). Some of them grow faster than others. Coming from Asia, bamboos have various special uses, some of them very important : You have certainly already eaten shoots of bamboos. They are used in Asian cuisine. But their importance becomes really evident in the construction of scaffolding. In fact, scaffolding created with bamboos are considered to be earthquake resistant because of their extreme flexibility. Nowadays, bamboos are used in the manufacturing of a large range of products such as bamboo floors, kitchen or fashion accessories, music instruments and even paper. In earlier days, bamboos could be used for torture. The person to torture was placed in front of a bamboo shoot (a variety that grows nearly a meter per day). The torturers had only to wait until the person was willing to talk. Otherwise, the victim encountered a slow and painful death.

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